How To Store White Wine at Home

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Written By Charlie Henney

Charlie's been a wine enthusiast for 20+ years. He and Roseanne have a vast amount of experience and expertise in wine refrigerators.





In this article, we will discuss how you should store your white wine collection.

So you’re a wine collector who wants to keep your white wine bottles in good condition; how do you store them?

In a wine refrigerator, wine rack, or even a wine cellar?

That is exactly what we will be discussing!

Why is it important to correctly store wine?

To begin with, if the bottle has been improperly stored for an extended period of time, some of its contents may have oxidized.

This can occur when the cork becomes wet from condensation on the outside of the bottle, causing oxidation. If the bottle is not kept upright but instead tilted, more oxygen comes into contact with the liquid inside the bottle than would otherwise happen. Dr. Miguel Cabral debunks the myth of upright wine storage, arguing that it is the best way to store your bottles rather than on their side.

The same is true for storing wines in direct sunlight; the sun can provide additional exposure to air, causing oxidation, and it can physically change the chemical structure of tannins in the wine, changing its physical appearance and taste.


What are the best ways to store your white wine?

As previously stated, keeping the bottle upright is critical. Any slant or tilt is undesirable because it allows excess oxygen into the wine. Also, make sure the bottle’s neck does not come into contact with anything else, such as another bottle, shelf, or glass door. It may seem obvious, but I’ve seen people place their wine next to other bottles without realizing they were touching!

Temperature control is another factor to consider. For optimum storage life, white wine should be stored between 45 and 52 degrees Fahrenheit, and the recommended serving temperature is 48°F.

This will vary depending on the type of white wine; for example, medium-bodied white wines like riesling and sauvignon blanc should be stored at around 50°F.

Light-bodied white wines, such as pinot grigio, require a wine storage temperature of around 52°F.

If the bottle is not kept cool enough, it will oxidize, resulting in off-flavors and discoloration.

However, if it is kept too cold, it can become bitter and tasteless.

In contrast, the optimal cooling temperature for red wine is warmer, between 55°F and 65°F.

Because white wines are more delicate than red wines like cabernet sauvignon, they must be stored at a much lower temperature.

Ideally, you’d purchase a wine cooler designed specifically for storing wine.


Should I use a wine fridge to store my white wine?

Yes, in a nutshell!

A wine refrigerator will help to preserve the quality of your wines by keeping them at the proper storage temperature.

The longer answer is that there are many different types of refrigerators available today; which one would best suit your needs? We’ll go over a few of these options below:


Wine Refrigerator Types

There’s no denying that storing your whites in a wine refrigerator is far more convenient than simply leaving them out on the countertop or wine rack.

There are various types of wine fridges, such as thermoelectric wine fridges and dual zone wine fridges. All of this is covered in our article on how to choose a wine cooler.


General Tips for Storing White Wine

In general, when learning how to store wine, keep the following principles in mind: keep it cool, dark, and still.

When storing wine, there are several factors to consider, but the following are the most important: Keep it cool, in a dark place, and keep it from moving around.

Aim for around 70% humidity.

Temperatures below 45 degrees Fahrenheit and above 70 degrees Fahrenheit should be avoided.



Temperature For Storing White Wines

Wine storage can be a daunting, complicated, and costly process.

Because different wines require different storage temperatures, you’ll need a fridge with temperature controls.

Every fridge on the market will provide its own temperature capacity, allowing you to determine whether it meets your requirements.


How Long To Store White Wine

White wine should be stored in a cool, dark place until it reaches its expiry date, which can be weeks or even years depending on the variety.

If the bottle is left at room temperature or in a warm environment for an extended period of time, it will begin to go bad and spoil. White wine should be stored in the refrigerator to extend its shelf life.

Why do some wines last longer than others?

The answer is straightforward: the storage conditions! Temperature, humidity, and light are all factors that can affect how long your wine lasts.

Furthermore, wines are made from a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, all of which contain a variety of chemicals.

The chemicals in wine interact with one another to produce reactions that affect the taste, color, and longevity of the wine.

Sulfites, for example, are added to wine to help it last longer. These molecules combine with other molecules in wine to form sulfur dioxide, which is responsible for the sour/bitter flavor that many people dislike.

Sulfites are added as preservatives to prevent the wine from oxidizing.

They also aid in color preservation by preventing light from decomposing anthocyanins into their component colors.

Finally, although this is an obvious factor, an opened bottle of wine will not last as long as an unopened bottle because the contents have been in contact with oxygen, causing the oxidization process to occur more quickly.

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