How To Store White Wine Without A Wine Fridge?

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Written By Roseanne

Charlie's been a wine enthusiast for 20+ years. He and Roseanne have a vast amount of experience and expertise in wine refrigerators.





White wine is a delicate and complex drink that requires proper storage to maintain its quality and flavor. While wine fridges are the ideal storage solution, not everyone has the space or budget for one. Fortunately, there are alternative ways to store white wine without a wine fridge to keep your wine fresh and delicious. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best practices for storing white wine without a wine fridge and answer some common questions about wine storage.

How to Store White Wine Without a Wine Fridge

  • Find a cool, dark place – White wine should be stored in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight and heat sources. A temperature range of 45-65°F is ideal, and fluctuations in temperature should be avoided. A basement or closet can be a good storage location.
  • Keep humidity levels in check – White wine should be stored at a humidity level between 50-80%. This helps to prevent the cork from drying out, which can lead to oxidation and spoilage.
  • Store bottles horizontally – Storing white wine bottles on their side can help to keep the cork moist and prevent air from getting into the bottle. This is especially important for wines with cork closures.
  • Avoid strong odors – White wine can absorb odors from its surroundings, which can affect its flavor. Store white wine away from strong-smelling foods, cleaning supplies, or other items with strong odors.
  • Handle with care – When handling white wine bottles, it’s important to be gentle and avoid shaking or disturbing the sediment. Rapid movement or agitation can cause wine to spoil.

What are the key differences between storing white wine and red wine without a wine fridge?

The main difference between storing white and red wine is the temperature range. Red wine can be stored at a slightly higher temperature range of 55-65°F, while white wine should be stored at a cooler temperature range of 45-65°F. Additionally, red wine should be stored in a slightly more humid environment than white wine.

Can I use a regular refrigerator to store white wine, and if so, what are the best practices?

green glass bottle beside clear wine glass

While a regular refrigerator can be used to store white wine temporarily, it’s not an ideal long-term storage solution. If you must store white wine in a refrigerator, place the bottle in the back of the fridge where the temperature is the most consistent, and avoid storing it for longer than a few weeks.

Are there any natural or DIY solutions for creating a makeshift wine fridge for white wine storage?

Yes, there are several DIY solutions for creating a makeshift wine fridge, such as using a cooler, wrapping the bottle in a wet towel, or storing the wine in a clay pot. These methods can help to regulate temperature and humidity levels and keep the wine fresh.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when storing white wine without a wine fridge?

Common mistakes to avoid when storing white wine without a wine fridge include exposing the wine to direct sunlight, storing it near heat sources, and not storing it at the proper humidity levels. Additionally, white wine should be stored horizontally and not shaken or disturbed.

What are the best types of white wines to store without a wine fridge, and for how long can I store them?

Dry white wines like Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Grigio, and Chardonnay can be stored for up to 3-5 years without a wine fridge, while sweet white wines like Riesling and Moscato should be consumed within 1-3 years. Sparkling white wines like Prosecco and Champagne should be consumed within a year of purchase.

Are there any additional tips or tricks for storing white wine without a wine fridge that I should know about?

One tip for storing white wine without a wine fridge is to wrap the bottle in a thick towel or blanket to insulate it from temperature fluctuations. You can also try storing the wine in a wine cooler bag with an ice pack to keep it cool. Additionally, you should avoid storing white wine in areas with strong vibrations, such as on top of a refrigerator or near a washing machine.

What are the potential risks of storing white wine without a wine fridge, and how can I avoid them?

The main risk of storing white wine without a wine fridge is spoilage due to oxidation or heat damage. This can cause the wine to taste sour or flat. To avoid this, make sure to store your wine in a cool, dark place with stable temperature and humidity levels, and avoid exposing it to direct sunlight or strong odors.

What are some alternative storage solutions for white wine beside a wine fridge?

If you don’t have a wine fridge, there are several alternative storage solutions you can try. One option is a wine cooler bag or portable wine chiller, which can keep your wine cool for several hours. You can also store your white wine in a wine cabinet, a wine cellar, or even a dedicated wine storage unit. Just be sure to keep the temperature and humidity levels consistent and avoid exposure to sunlight and strong odors.

unknown person pouring beverage on glass


Storing white wine without a wine fridge is possible if you follow some best practices, such as storing it in a cool, dark place, keeping humidity levels in check, and handling it with care. By avoiding common mistakes and following these tips, you can ensure that your white wine stays fresh and delicious for as long as possible.


Can I store white wine in the fridge door?

No, storing white wine in the fridge door exposes it to more temperature fluctuations and can cause it to spoil faster. It’s best to store white wine in the back of the fridge where the temperature is the most consistent.

Can I store white wine upright?

While white wine can be stored upright, it’s not ideal as it can cause the cork to dry out and lead to spoilage. It’s best to store white wine on its side to keep the cork moist and prevent air from getting into the bottle.

How long can I keep an open bottle of white wine without a wine fridge?

An open bottle of white wine can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Make sure to re-cork the bottle tightly and store it in the back of the fridge to keep it fresh.

How To Store Red Wine Without A Wine Fridge?

How To Store Wine Without Fridge?

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